Landscape Features

Bluebell Wood

Situated just below the St Catwg’s Walk entrance adjacent to the Dog Graves, this woodland area is one of the best spots in the gardens to see our native Bluebell.

This plant, recently voted as the UK's favourite wildflower, blooms from mid-April through to mid-May, creating a vibrant blue carpet over the ground before the canopy of leaves, formed by the Sessile and Turkey Oaks, casts its shade over the woodland floor.

Azaleas and Rhododendrons

With its sheltered, shady valley and mild, moist climate, Clyne is perfect for growing these important ornamental plants. They produce an abundance of flower colour especially between April and June, however some early varieties can be seen flowering in January and February.

Most are evergreen and many are native to the mountain forests of the Himalayas and China. They range in size from the delicate dwarf knee high Azaleas through to the imposing ten metre tall tree forms.

The Bog Garden

This feature of Clyne Gardens lies in the dappled shade of the oaks in the valley and thrives on the abundant moisture from the springs along the valley sides. It is home to one of the largest areas of moisture loving plants in the UK.

Conditions are perfect for the colourful Candelabra Primulas, Irises, Hostas, Purple Loosestrife and the North American Skunk Cabbage whose striking yellow hooded flowers can be seen emerging from the wintery bog in the earliest weeks of spring.

The Bog Garden is also home to the giant leaf Gunnera which can grow to 8ft tall and is the largest leaved herbaceous plant grown in Europe.

The Wildflower Meadow

Located at the top end of the main drive this area of grass has been lovingly managed as a meadow for almost forty years.

It contains many attractive native flowers including Bird’s Foot Trefoil; Common Knapweed; Devil’s Bit Scabious and Southern Marsh Orchids which flower towards the end of May.

These important plants provide food and homes for a host of wildlife including pollinating insects.